With personal loans, customers can conveniently get funds and take charge of their finances. Citi offers high personal loan amounts at competitive Annual Percentage Rates (APRs) to their customers.
Citi Personal Loan Features and Benefits
Some of the features and benefits of availing a Citi Personal Loan with salary transfer to offset any temporary financial needs are mentioned below:
1. Competitive Annual Percentage Rate (APR):
Citi Personal Loans are offered to customers at competitive Annual Percentage Rates (APRs), ensuring that they can easily repay the loan in the form of equal monthly instalments (EMIs) without much hassle.
2. High Loan Amount:
Customers can avail a Citi Personal Loan in UAE up to AED 500,000 (or up to 20X their salary) to fulfil their financial needs.
3. Flexible Repayment Periods:
Citi offers personal loans with a flexible repayment period ranging from 6 months to up to 48 months. Customers can pay the loan amount in equal monthly instalments (EMIs) during the selected tenure.
4. Top-up Facility:
Customers can top up the Citi Personal Loan if they need additional money. The bank provides the top-up option to the customer, subject to a reassessment of their suitability and eligibility.
How to Apply for a Citi Personal Loan?
Applying for a Citi Personal Loan is simple and convenient. However, customers need to fulfil some eligibility criteria and complete the documentation process before applying for a personal loan with Citi. Some of them are mentioned below:
Eligibility Criteria:
Age: 21 years is the minimum age limit
Citizenship: Customers need to be UAE residents or nationals
Employment: Minimum 3 months in a job or a confirmed salary employment
Documents Required:
Passport/ID Proof: Customers need to provide a valid ID proof, such as an Emirates ID copy or passport copy, to apply for a personal loan
Salary Transfer Letter: Citi requires customers to submit a salary transfer letter to avail a personal loan
If well planned, availing a Citi Personal Loan can offer many benefits to the customers. However, customers are also required to note that missing out on monthly payments of a personal loan and/or non-adherence to the banks Terms and Conditions may limit their ability to get loans in the future. Additionally, their credit bureau rating could be negatively impacted, and they may also be charged a late fee. In some cases, Citi may allow early settlement or partial prepayment of personal loans, but that could attract a one-time fee. Hence, customers need to check with Citi to understand its Terms and Conditions and are even advised to check their eligibility criteria as well as the requirement of all the documents before applying for a personal loan online with Citi.
About Citibank UAE
Citibank UAE offers consumers and institutions a range of financial products and services, including consumer and investment banking, credit cards, personal loans. Citibank UAE aims to deliver holistic and innovative solutions to clients and meet the increasingly complex strategies of its regional client base in the Middle East in an ever-changing financial landscape.
The content reflects the view of the author of the article and does not necessarily reflect the views of Citi or its employees. Please read the products and offers on Citibank UAE website for accuracy or completeness of the information presented in the article.
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